
©Ioana Buliga/EyeEm/Getty Images Chicago and Nashville have both rolled out expansive programs to stimulate local tourism. Around the United States cities are starting to roll back COVID-19 pandemic-fueled regulations and encourage stateside travel. The States just surpassed 2 million cases of COVID-19 and many states are seeing an uptick of new cases. Non-essential travel is
We’ve got the roundup on the opening of your favorite theme parks. The country is still taking its time reopening after months of closings due to Covid 19. Though each state is still deciding on its own timeline for letting people get back to their lives, and large group outings are still shunned in much
Eric Lewis, Grand Atlas Tours Current economic conditions will lead to the return of this American tradition. Imagine you and your loved ones have a cooler packed of food, and clothes for a week in your car. Air conditioning on, singing to music, enjoying the open road. Take a minute and close your eyes. Do
©Arina P Habich/Shutterstock Motorhome parked on the Bonneville Salt Flats. Sales skyrocket as Americans realize RVs have everything anybody could ever need in a quarantine. Since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, Americans have been looking for a way to get out of their homes and start truly living their lives again. As summer arrives,
​Here are the top United States destinations people are missing during the pandemic. Instagram isn’t just about sharing the moment. It’s also about nostalgia for the past. And among hashtags such as #ThrowbackThursday and #FlashbackFriday, you’ll find a very specific trend: the cry to #TakeMeBack! The #TakeMeBack hashtag is a bittersweet celebration of past vacations.